A faster x64 compile is available.
- The previous compile was a debug compile
- No version number change !
Snitch 1.6.2 available.
- Winboard protocol fixes only
- No eval or search changes
Snitch 1.6.1 available.
- Asymmetry bug in rook evaluation fixed
- Asymmetry bug in king safty evaluation fixed
- WB protocol bug fixed. (This one haunted snitch for quite a while, made it freeze at the end of a game)
- Outpost evaluation added
- Knight evaluation tuned
- Bishop evaluation tuned
- Space evaluation added
Snitch 1.4.5 available.
- MultiPV mode added
- Several minor search and eval tunings
- General code cleanup
Snitch 1.2.4 available.
- Bugfix: Bug in time control introduced in 1.2.x (forfeit on time) removed
Snitch 1.2.2
- Some minor bugfixes
- Minor eval changes
- General speedup
Snitch 1.0.8
- Removed bug that made Snitch hang sometimes after end of game
- Better moveorder
- Qsearch pruning changed
Snitch 1.0.4.
- Removed super-verbose UCI info that slowed Snitch down under some
Snitch 1.0.0
- Completely new engine
- slower but stronger than Hagrid
- See here for a detailed
Hagrid 0.7.56 available.
- Minor bugfixes
- Evaluation tuning
Hagrid 0.7.47
- UCI Bugfix: Hagrid pondered with the latest
Fritz interface only. Now UCI-pondering should work with other
UCI-GUIs as well.
Hagrid 0.7.45
- Added Winboard pondering
- Evaluation Tuning
- Several minor bugs removed
Hagrid 0.7.2
- Tablebase support for Nalimov tablebases (compressed or uncompressed).
- Fixed bug in pawn-hashing.
- Some evaluation tuning.
- Should play much stronger than previous version.
Hagrid 0.6.34
- Fixed bug that crashed hagrid when using incremental time under
- Added / bugfixed some winboard features:
Move now
Claims draw on 3 fold repetition / 50 move rule
Big opening book now available in
download area.
Hagrid 0.6.32
- Fixed bug in hashtable update.
- Replaced buggy book file with working one.
This site was born to make Hagrid available
to public.
March 2002
I started implementing the UCI protocol to
make Hagrid run under Fritz GUI. Now, end of march, Hagrid should
play somewhere between 2100 and 2200 ELO.
Jan. 2002
First two month of 2002 were mostly dedicated
to implementing several Winboard features. The only real improvement
was the use of null-moves which gained several ELOs.
After several month of developing a nameless engine I decided it
needs an name now, and here we are: Hagrid was born.
October 2001
The first running version was full of bugs making
it play really bad (around 1800ELO) or even crash. It took me several
weeks to find the really big ones and Im not sure if I will
ever find all of them. End of 2001 I had a Winboard engine playing
reasonable chess at about 2000 ELO.
September 2001
September 2001 I took first interest in computer
chess. After some disappointing experiments with my own thoughts
about how to write a chess program (I thought of saving the complete
game tree in memory) I began to collect information around the web
on how to do it better. Some days later - knowing much more on how
to do it the right way - I started writing my own chess engine.